I’ve been a little absent this past few days but for a good reason... my first born turned 6 on Wednesday! Hooray!!
I became a mom when I was 17 years old, so Cameron changed my life in so many ways, but I’m grateful for every second of it and I can’t believe he’s already S I X!
Hes obsessed with Pokémon and has been for years! I’ve actually already thrown him a Pokémon birthday party before, but he asked me to do it again for him this year and requested I make the paper maché pokéballs again too!

His main gift is the rock wall we’re building! (Don’t worry, I’ll post a DIY blog on it when we’re done!) but I also got him a wobble board and a few other small things because the rock wall is going to take us a while to build properly so it’s safe for both of the kids and even me to try it!

If your looking for a great gift for a toddler I can’t suggest anything better than a wobble board! They’re so open ended and if you get a good one they hold up to 400lbs so even grown ups and play on it! (I love toys that are fun for my kids AND me!)
Let me know if you guys would be interested in a review on it or want to know more about it because I would be happy to share!

We got all if our decorations from the dollar store! We got the balloon bouquets from there was well! I was going to make decorations but I bit off more than I could chew and was too busy with the rock wall to do much else so pre made decor it was lol!
I also messed up the cupcakes the night before.. so we ended up ordering a cake last minute and they came through so quickly for us!

Everything went super well over all and we were able to have a super fun, small party for his 6th birthday!
Stay tuned for the rock wall and another surprise present that should be here within the week!!